I wrote this poem a couple of years ago. It was an attempt to reflect on the sending of the Logos, from Creation to Incarnation. "Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness..." #LentVoices

I am the story of a different time, A beginning time, A birthing time, A time when all was dark. A time when all was possible. A time when all was not. A time when all could be. A time when all was energy. A time when all was love. In this time began. A word began to whisper, A light began to spark, A breath began to flow, A sphere began to spin, A world began to form, A life began to beat, And it was good. It was then that I began to dream, And the story wrote itself. I saw the waters flood the land, I saw the land fight back, I saw it rise and split and move, I saw it burst with fire and flame, I saw it twist and crack and tear, I saw it crumble and form rich earth, And from those seas and in that soil, I felt the beat of simple hearts, I felt the first life jump and dance, I felt it swim and fly and run, I felt it all, And it was good. And then I saw it rot and mould, As greed and power and death, Took over from the waters, And flooded out to drown the land. And as I saw, I cried. I saw it stir and raise its head, I saw it spit and spew and shit, It fouled its way through everything. And I felt it. I felt the pain of the innocent. I felt the cry of the abused. I felt the ache of the grieving, I felt the sob of the lonely, I felt the hunger of the just, I felt the loneliness of the lovers, And it was agony. I felt the pain as they turned on me. They blamed me and I felt their shame. But in the night they knew, They knew what they had lost, And in the night they cried. And some could not hold back the tears, when the dawn had come. Hope lived, its roots were deep. And so I’m here.
#LentVoices - Facebook and Linkedin We are a diverse group of Christian freelancers who have collaborated to curate daily reflections during Lent. Each week will have a theme, explored 6 different ways on 6 days. Andy Campbell – Coach, Trainer, Artist, Poet and occasional square peg. Andy helps people work out who they are, and what their next step might be. https://qawah.co.uk James Fox Robinson – Creative, 3rd Order Franciscan, Dreamer, Professional Nuisance. James is passionate about curating spaces for people to engage with God’s story, physically and digitally. www.jamesfoxrobinson.blog https://bit.ly/3akNVzR Lucie Hutson – teacher and learner, created and creator, speaker and pioneer. Lucie is passionate about helping people to wander and wonder in the world around us. www.muddychurch.co.uk Hasna Khatun – Ordained Pioneer Minister in the C of E. Teacher and Professional Actor/Presenter/Voiceover. Hasna lives to eat and laugh sparingly… She’d like to write an alternative script for Barbie, Ken and Cindy and adores the people who don’t fit in. www.linkedin.com/in/hasna-khatun-b0941b204/ Sally Nash – Author, Researcher, Educator, Priest, Mentor, Spiritual Accompanier. Sally is passionate about helping people fulfil their potential and make a bigger difference in their world. www.sallynash.co.uk Mark Berry – Pioneer, Teacher, Speaker and Poet. Mark helps groups and individuals break boundaries, engage with culture and grow community. https://www.mark-berry.co.uk/ https://picturapoesis.blog/